International School
Sports Spectacular

In the swimming tournaments, our school's G4 student Shirley and G2 student Rebecca participated in the 9-10-year-old girl games. Worth to know that this group being the youngest age group already, so Rebecca basically “jumped up a peg” to play. The two sisters made every effort to bring the honor back to OCIS. Despite being young, they were both professional and experienced athletes. They overwhelmed the stadium by their calm and dedicated demeanor, and eagerness to win.

羽毛球比赛为团体赛形式,即每只队伍需要有四名男选手和四名女选手,参与女单,男单,混双,女双,男双五项比赛。我校派出选手为:G9 Kevin,G10 Amy, Nina, Nancy, Michael,G11 Lynn, Joesy,GP Donnie。
The badminton tournaments were played by team competition, where each team required four boys and four girls to participate in the five events of girl single, boy single, mix double, girl double and boy double. Our contestants were G9 Kevin, G10 Amy, Nina, Nancy, Michael, G11 Lynn, Joesy, and GP Donnie.

In the badminton games, the athletes vigorously waved their rackets, showcasing their skills via brilliant moves. They were agile and fully engaged, manifesting their best sports spirit in each confrontation. They were all truly impressive in skills, strategies and teamwork.

Honor Moment
游泳比赛中,Shirley 同学在其年龄组展现了绝对的统治力,以绝对优势豪取全部四枚金牌。同时妹妹Rebecca 无惧两岁的年龄差距,也越级比赛,囊括两银两铜。姐妹两人以出众的技艺和优秀的运动风尚,赢得整个会场的一致钦佩。
In swimming,Shirley has dominated all the events in her age group, taking home four gold medals with significant advantages. Meanwhile her sister Rebecca, despite being underaged by two years, also grabed two silvers and two bronzes. The two overwhelmed all participants in the arena with their impressive skills and great sportspersonship.

有别于游泳比赛的一路高歌猛进,羽毛球锦标赛的进程可谓峰回路转,动人心弦。第一天常规赛第四场结束时,OCIS仍暂列倒数第二名,有可能会无缘季后赛。但队员们不为暂时的失意所扰,顽强拼搏,最终以第三名的排名挺进季后赛。在半决赛时,重对曾经战胜我们的球队,队员们并未被之前的败绩所困,Lynn, Nancy和Amy均干脆的以2:0战胜了对手。她们的两场胜利,再加上我们横扫整个锦标赛无敌手,球技球品均令全场心悦诚服的男双组合(Joesy和Donnie)带来的不出意外的胜利,将OCIS送入了最终的决赛!虽然最终未能如愿取得冠军,但大家全都倾尽全力: Michael, Kevin和Nina在整个系列赛中都赛出水平,赛出努力,为团队的成功献出了扎实的贡献。
Compared with Swimming's easy wins, our journey in Badminton is dramatic and heart stirring. By the end of the fourth game on day one, we stood at the last but one place, looking at the prospect of loosing the chance for playoffs. However, our players were not dismayed, but played the rest match with great tenacity and courage, to enter the play off in a strong 3rd place. In the semifinal game, facing the team we met before, our players were not shadowed by their previous loss, Lynn, Nancy and Amy all bested their opponants with clear 2:0 wins. Their wins, togher with that from our "invincible" boy double (Joesy and Donnie) who have conquered and impressed all the other pairs in the tournament, granted OCIS to the finals! Comiserrations that we didn't win the championship in the end, but Michael, Kevin and Nina were also playing to their hardest.

Under the ACMIS rules. all payers were actively and impartially helping their teammate games for scoring and encouragement, brilliantly displaying their responsibility and proactiveness. In the end, besides winning the runner up to championship, Nancy and Joesy were also awarded as the All Star team members, but what is more memorable is how all the players have made friends with peer athletes from different schools and cities, through sports. Hardly more gains can be asked for from a youth event.

Sports are not only making actions but also the calling for higher, faster, and stronger mentality. And that mentality transcends schools and regions. OCIS joined this sports spectacular out of respecting this mentality. It is delightful to see all athletes showing the best of their determination and aspiration on the fields. May all OCIS youths could take that as an example, and dare to show their endeavor and vitality at every stage of their lives!