April marks the 29th "World Book and Copyright Day" and also the annual "Joyful Reading Month" event of OCIS. We choose such a meaningful day to make it understandable to every student that reading can broaden your visions and experience life, and that through reading one can make deep reflections and discover strength for growth.

Dr. Seuss Day
When is Dr. Seuss Day?
苏博士日是每年3月2日为了纪念Theodor Geisel这位著名的韵律医生的生日而设立的节日。
Dr. Seuss Day takes place on the birthday of the man we all know as the rhyme doctor – Theodor Geisel – on Monday, March 2nd.
Celebrated all across the United States and other countries, Dr. Seuss Day honors the birth of one of the world’s greatest storytellers by creating a day where kids and adults alike can read a little more, write a little more, and take some time to fall in love with words.

Why Do We Celebrate Dr. Seuss Day?
Dr. Seuss Day is also known as Read Across America Day, and was started in 1997 by the National Education Association.
The NEA wanted to find a way to celebrate and promote childhood literacy and the enjoyment of reading, and the birthday of Dr. Seuss created a great day to do so.
Started six years after the death of Dr. Seuss himself – which happened in 1991 – Dr. Seuss Day has created an extra way to carry on the legacy of Theodor Geisel himself.
在苏博士日,OCIS的庆祝活动从图书馆延伸到每间课堂,让苏博士的作品,比如“Green Eggs & Ham” 以及 “Cat in the Hat”尽可能的流传下去。
On Dr. Seuss Day, celebration happens everywhere from libraries to classrooms, allowing a way for “Green Eggs & Ham” and “Cat in the Hat” to continue on for as long as possible.

Dr. Seuss Reading Challenge
In order to encourage students to achieve the goal of reading for 20 minutes every day, the OCIS Library launched a reading challenge activity in March. Completing five activities and being able to connect them in a straight line can earn you a HERO sticker. The primary school students actively participated in the activity.
In addition, actively participating classes can also receive additional rewards!

Her Words, Her Strength

March 8th is International Women’s Day. It is a day to explore women’s history, honor women’s rights, and celebrate the accomplishments achieved by women throughout history. As a library teacher, I want to do something more: to instill a love of books and reading, and hope we can gain strength through reading these creative and brilliant works.
Last month, teachers from Library and Art Department started an activity to appreciate women’s wisdom and charm.
Students and teachers are encouraged to design a bookmark: putting the words from a female writer or a female character on it. After displaying all bookmarks in library on World Book Day, the library teacher will put all of them in books in library. We hope this small gesture may have an impact on students who borrow those books, and spread the women worth message to our community.

Here are the examples:

OCIS Proverbs

Please believe that when children encounter reading, it must be the most beautiful thing in the world. So, taking advantage of the warm spring breeze, it's better to leave some time for reading and more time for thinking. Only reading can make every day different!