给每一个人的数学——OCIS Pi Day精彩回顾



Mathematics for Everyone

三月是万物复苏的季节,也是OCIS充满创造力与想象力的“数学月”,因为3月14日是圆周率日(Pi Day),旨在向那些在数学乃至人类发展历程中做出贡献的伟大数学家致敬,向宝贵的数学成果致敬!

March is the season of recovery and also the "math month" of OCIS, which is not short of creativity and imagination. As March 14 is the international Pi Day, paying tribute to the great mathematicians and all the valuable achievements made by all humans thanks to math.

2023年的3月14日是第四个“国际数学日”。今年国际数学日的主题是“给每一个人的数学”(Mathematics for Everyone).

March 14, 2023 is the fourth "International Mathematics Day". The slogan of this year is "Mathematics for Everyone"


As π happens to a homophone of pie, the math group build activities around that theme by encouraging students to design and make delicious pizzas. While enjoying the fun of hands-on production, students are also immersed with mathematical knowledge. The experience invites students to bring initiative in learning and thinking, and brings math application into everyday life. 



Math&Life - The Making and Sharing of Pie

流行的庆祝Pi Day的方式有很多,当然,吃派绝对榜上有名。这不,OCIS的同学们就自己动手制作美味的派,体会劳动快乐的同时,动手能力拉满!

There are many popular ways to celebrate Pi Day. Eating pizza is high on the list. OCIS students all make delicious pizzas, experiencing the joy of labor and full hands-on fun!

Pi DAY 3.14




Pi DAY 3.14







Facts of pi

吃过玩过,当然也不能忘记Pi Day真正的意义,下面让我们一起认真的学习下圆周率小常识吧。

After eating and playing, of course, we can't forget the true meaning of Pi Day. Now let's learn some facts of pi.


What is pi?


Pi (the Greek letter π) is a symbol used in mathematics, representing a constant - the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle, which is about 3.14159.




It is a constant, which means that the pi of all circles is the same. It is also an irrational number, which means that the number after the decimal point will never end or cycle.


Origin of pi


When we calculate the circumference, area and volume of a circle, we need to use a constant π, which is pi. Pi is an irrational number. It is only approximate to use any finite number as the value of Pi. The ancient Chinese learned from experience that they should use 3 as the value of pi, so was the saying "radius one circumference three". Later, in long-term practice, people found that it was not "radius one circumference three", but "radius one circumference three and more". However, there was no accurate figure of how much.



At the end of the Three Kingdoms period, the study of pi entered a new stage. The mathematician Liu Hui created a scientific method to calculate the value of pi by using “circle cutting” on the basis of studying the volume of the container and commenting on "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic". The invention of circle cutting is a great achievement in the history of mathematics in China. The value of pi obtained by this method is 3.141024. Liu Hui changed π=3.14 to 157/50 by geometric method. Later generations called π=157/50 "Hui".

Pi DAY 3.14




In the following Southern and Northern Dynasties, Zu Chongzhi made further research on pi for the purpose of calculating the astronomical calendar and considering the need of weights and measures. He believed that the value of pi calculated by Liu Hui was not very accurate, so he inherited the scientific method of calculating pi by Liu Hui's circular cutting technique and continued to calculate it on this basis.


Zu Chongzhi was the first person in the world to calculate the value of pi to the seventh digit after the decimal point. This value was regained by Otto, a German, and Anthonisz, a Dutch, a thousand years later. However, this result was later mistakenly regarded as the first result of Anthonisz, so it was called "Anthonisz rate". Japanese mathematical historian Yoshio Mikami) advocated that this value should be renamed "Zu" and the honor should be returned to the great mathematician in ancient China. In addition, it was not until the beginning of the 15th century that the Arab mathematician Cassie obtained the 17 accurate decimal values of pi, thus breaking Zu Chongzhi’s nearly a thousand years record.


The activity of Math Month is not over yet. We will continue to organize Chinese and English Math Knowledge Contest and other activities. We hope that from design to production to competition, there will be both learning and application of mathematical knowledge and thinking and expression of mathematics, so as to form a perfect learning loop. Please stay tuned for more.